

Engraved Labels Plastic Cable Labels Stainless Cable Labels Stainless Steel Metal Labels Ferrules Safety Signs Lockout/Service Tags Isolation Lockout Padlocks Lockout Devices (Valves, MCB, etc) Security Seals (CableSeal, CarSeal)


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Upload your file to import labels (CSV, XLS, XLSX)

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Note: we have imported labels already so delete these before importing your new file.

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How to import labels

1. Download our template

Open both in a spreadsheet program like MS Excel or Google Sheets.

Download Template (XLSX)

Download Template (CSV)

2. Fill in your order data

Copy your data across to our template file.

Try not to modify the file structure.

Multi line labels can be added in Excel by pressing Alt-Enter (Windows), Control-Option-Return (Mac) or enter the characters <br>.

3. Save as a CSV, XLS or XLSX and import below

Upload the file and you'll be redirected to the edit page with your data loaded.